School Year: 2019-2020

COVID-19 Image by Vektor Kunst iXimus from Pixabay

The Redmond Middle School PTSA is here for you during these unprecedented times. We have listed a collection of resources and references to help you navigate our time as we “Stay Home, Stay Safe”. Please note, we do not control the content in any of these links! If you have any useful resources to add to this page, please email


Emergency Information

In Case of a Life-Threatening Emergency Please Call 911

Family and Interpartner Violence Resources:



Up to Date Health Information:

CDC COVD-19 Information:

WHO COVID-19 Information:

Symptoms of COVID-19:


Up to date information for Washington State and King County:

Governor of Washington Covid-19 Resources:

KUOW Information:

Latest Update from LWSD:

King County COVID-19 Updates:

King 5 News Covid-19 Updates:


Local Health Network Information on COVID-19:

Evergreen Health 

Swedish Health Network

Kaiser Permanente Washington

Overlake Hospital and Medical Clinics

University of Washington Medicine


Food Assistance Resources:

Hopelink Food Bank:

Basic Food:

State Food Assistance Program:


Food Safety and Nutrition Resources:

Grab and Go Meals (Available to All Students Monday to Friday):

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Advice for COVID19:

Grocery Store Health and Safety Plans during the COVID-19 Pandemic:


Fred Meyer



PCC Market


Whole Foods Market


Nutrition Advice from CNN:

How to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus when Grocery Shopping:


Mental Health Resources for Families

Teen Mental Health During COVID-19 from UNICEF:

National Alliance of Mental Illness COVID-19 resource guide:

ChildMind Institute on Mindfulness during COVID-19:


Family Activity Resources:

World Health Organization Exercise Information during COVID-19:

250+ Creative Ways to Yoru Family Sane during the COVID-19 Outbreak:

Action For Healthy Kids:


Learning at Home Advice:

Healthy Children Working and Learning from Home during COVID-19:

Learning Heroes:

Redmond Middle School PTSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All rights reserved.