• Hey RMS have you showed your parents your poinsettia order form? Have you gotten any donations or orders? Make sure you get out there and support RMS ASB and sell your wreaths and Poinsettias! If you have any orders or donations make sure that you have brought them to Mrs. Poblete in the Attendance Office right away! Remember that turning in your orders/donations gets you entered in a drawing to win a blizzard from Dairy Queen.


  • Grizzlies, it's time to get out your Awesome Pawsome stash. We hope you've been saving up! Tomorrow (today) during lunches we will be opening the Awesome Pawsome store for the first time this year. We have loads of cool prizes you can purchase such as pencils, stickers, raffle tickets, and vouchers to restaurants. Supplies are limited, so be sure to bring your Awesome Pawsomes to lunch tomorrow (today) and get prizes before they're gone.



Hey Grizzlies today's quote of the day is..

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill



Be Kind, Be Honest, Be Proud. Be a Grizzly, Have a great day!


Redmond Middle School PTSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All rights reserved.